The Jedi has arrived

Jan 30, 2017 09:45

As in, our new golden retriever puppy, Jedi. :D

We picked him up from the breeder on Saturday after the puppy class, and we spent the day letting him get accustomed to our family. It didn't help that Jason and I had our gastrointestinal ick factor still going on. I think I lost two pounds from the diarrhea alone. The kids were fine, and liked playing with the puppy. We still played Pathfinder at night, which also worked well for taking Jedi out to pee at night.

Last night, I set my alarm for midnight, but I slept right through it. I did wake up at 3:30 am and I took him out then. He was dry in his crate, which is awesome, and he went pee right away outside. He drank a lot of water, so I tried to do sit ups and stretches to wait out when he would have to go back outside, but I fell asleep on the floor and woke up when Jason came out at his alarm. Oops. :D

even i can be stupid sometimes, welcome to the real world, family

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