Sep 06, 2016 10:08
Oops. I haven't posted in forever. Some of that is that there isn't a whole lot of news. The kids continue growing like weeds and intermittently deciding it's a good day to ignore everything I say, or that they're going to be adorable dweebs that make being a parent worthwhile. There was about a week between Maddy's Y Break summer day care and the start of school on September 1, so she was either in one of the spare offices here or with Jason. She bored easily, so twice I commandeered her to "babysit" kids in my office while I talked with the parent. (The parent okayed it, and I think it set their minds at ease that their baby could play with stuff and not fear them swallowing random things.) She picked up knitting again and intermittently worked on a scarf that she'll give to one of her brothers; odds are good she'll be done by Christmas, lol.
I've written a bunch in fics and I've been reading books a lot. I even review some online under my pen name, and I've tried working on my novel. Gmail is being weird with sending stuff to the junk folder despite me marking it off multiple times as Not Junk. If I don't reply to you, assume that's part of the reason and keep poking me. Pathfinder has moved to weekly from biweekly, and I scribble a bit in the next novel in a notebook. I just started chapter 3 on Saturday night. It's slow going because there's so much going on, but I'd rather go slow and steady and do it right. Especially since the new one involves Vietnamese culture so much. Tho I just sent my heroine and her sister and cousin sideways into another dimension, so I probably don't have to angst quite so much now. heh.
And it's September! The busy season at work is beginning, though I've had TONS of intakes. at the moment I'm using cancellation time to go through my patient and whittle it down from 660. I'm the only one that actually does it here. Just like I'm the only one that does chart reviews, or some of my own letters and paperwork. Because the others are too good for it or something, IDK.
Okay, back to work with me.
employment tales,