(no subject)

May 11, 2016 08:27

The current radio silence isn't intentional or anything, just that it's slipping my mind to update things. Oops. :)

Mother's Day was a Sunday. As in, yes I got cards and a violet, but Jason was working in the afternoon as usual and the kids were running around all over the place. At one point, I literally wasn't even outside for five minutes to plant the violet, and I came back to find an entire box of Kleenex scattered around the living room, toy cars everywhere, and the kids climbing all over the couch screaming in playfulness. Gah. Right after I spent an hour or two cleaning up whatever the kids wouldn't, changing bedsheets and trying to straighten up. Taking them to the park for nearly two hours didn't help burn out the hyper or attitude, either. :(

Working a lot and knitting in the evenings while watching stuff on the DVR. And playing lots of Avengers Academy on my phone. Natasha is utterly adorable, so I regret nothing. :D I got everything available for Episode 1 of the Civil War event right now, so I can likely get Bucky by the end of it without spending actual money for it. There are rumors that Sif will be a premium (paid) character, so I may buy her. Maybe. I'm silly and terribly invested in this game. Plus the new new Pathfinder game we just started. Our characters were turned into vampires. I'm planning to pretty much make a fighter that fights like a female Captain America. Lots of shield bashing! Jason says I was pretty angry with the first session, but we were kidnapped, drugged, and experimented on against her will. Of course she'll want to beat in the face of the guy that did it!

Eventually I'll go through the new novel again and try to shop it around, and I've been researching and thinking about the new one that incorporates Vietnamese mythology. I'm excited about that one, actually. :D

a novel idea, even i can be stupid sometimes, gaming geekery, family, random geekery

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