rambling thoughts

Oct 16, 2003 20:40

  • it takes more courage to follow through something to its completion than to turn tail and run.
  • i'm really liking BT's song right now. ::sings along::
  • i'll be showing off my inner computer geek with my fellow. she's trying to buy a new computer. considering how i just went through all this with jay, i think i know how to coach someone through buying a new laptop. :)
  • it's just me and mom in the house. so far, she's watching food tv with dinner, i'm on the computer. so sad, but i was looking up stuff for my EBM paper.
  • speaking of said EBM paper... i've finally decided on my topic. this is good, considering that i should hand it in next week. i'm pretty sure the articles i xeroxed yesterday will fit, and i printed out some more stuff today that will help me with background. my topic? the differences in the effects of antipsychotics on Asian Americans. believe it or not, this hasn't been thoroughly researched since the 80's, and lots of new drugs came out.
  • well, i've printed out my second case report. six pages of it. it took me about two hours to complete, including flipping through pages and looking up some definitions on the net. why did people say this rotation was hard??
  • only two weeks left. i definitely would like to stay. this is a good thing, to find out you like what you ultimately want to do for a living.
  • when talking with the doctor that "teaches" the interviewing class, he said there's actually a shortage of child psychiatrists out there. go me!
  • still no clue about neuropsychiatry. i forgot to ask jill since she was having a horrible day today, she nearly cried when talking about the car troubles with our attending.
  • must keep repeating "simply being loved!" it doesn't stream on its own, since i'm playing it off the official site: http://www.btmusic.com
  • because i am a geek. even if i didn't get to show it off since there was no "student that read the most nonmedical books" at the luncheon this year. grrrr.
  • fabian thought happiness was overrated when i saw him at pat o's. he said he was in a seven year relationship with a korean girl that went bust, even tho he thought he was happy. i flashed suddenly to this thought: he didn't know the culture well enough. i'm thinking, she prolly didn't want to fight her family. if koreans are anything like vietnamese, they look down on dark skin. maybe after seven years, she finally broke. but i don't know what happened. he didn't say, and i didn't ask. i thought his comments of "dump the german. he's poaching on my territory... you should date a jamaican" were pretty pissy.
  • on second thought, happiness is NOT overrated, dammit. i certainly don't want a depressive episode again.
  • i had a thought today... if i do get the residency position here, there's no reason for me to move in two years. unless jay proposed and we moved in together. it's almost scary how ready i am for that. damn biological clock...
  • i used to babysit for this family for about seven years. i'll be going to the eldest's bar mitzvah on nov 1 with ktv, since he's also babysat a few times and the family limited the invitation. they asked mom to babysit for the cousins, since they'll be staying home. mom changed her mind and wanted to cancel, then the mother got all kinds of nasty, saying if mom wants to cancel and do something else, she'll have to find a replacement since they were counting on her. apparently the mother got really shrill as she told my mom this. never mind that it's not mom's responsibility. but she caved.
  • what do i get this brat for his present? i'm starting to sour on the idea.
  • With the cries of night creatures
    I dimly understand...
    In your great escape
  • i'm done.

med skool tales, it's a small world after all, family wank, family

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