I still haven't gone through the entire collection yet, and I haven't even touched the Madness collection. Some Real Life stuff and writing in my free time, rather than reading too much. Oops?
But, it's reveals time, so here's what I wrote! I wish I knew how others copy all the code off of the display pages. We'll have to do with my links.
- Warrior Witch. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. Gretel doesn't know much about magic, and isn't sure what she felt about being a white witch herself. But one thing is for sure... She wasn't going to stop killing evil witches.
- Perfect Vision. Push. Explicit. Visions never came with timestamps. If it had, maybe Cassie would have been more prepared for it to happen.
- Jack of all Trades. Chronicles of Riddick/ Pitch Black. If Jack was going to survive out in space on his own, he was going to have to learn how to do it.
- Exploring the Outdoors. Beauty and the Beast. As in Disney. Explicit. (Yes, I did xeno. We already know I'm going to the special hell.) There are secret places on the castle grounds where none of the enchanted servants go. The Beast takes Belle there.
Yuletide Madness
So, the tally isn't too bad, but I've done more before. Too busy writing other things and dealing with Real Life. Well, I have other projects in the works, so maybe I'll write more this year. :)