(no subject)

Nov 24, 2015 10:33

It's been rough at work lately in terms of scheduling and nursing hours. So there's not just the three of us with our needs for vitals, doing the PHQ-9, med checks, phone calls, checking appointments, prior authorizations, handling patient drama, paperwork or letters, etc. We have extra people being dumped on us from the Pain Clinic, primary care keeps sending us people, and there is no additional help to get that going. It's frustrating, and I regularly run up to ten minutes later.

So last night, when the clinic director asked if I was done or could do some of it myself, I snapped. I vented, saying it was impossible to get everything done, and I didn't have the nurse doing the stuff I needed done. Apparently he didn't appreciate that, and went through a long winded explanation just now about how he really is campaigning for more nursing hours. And he stated that he didn't appreciate me venting at him like that, because he felt attacked. I managed to explain it was venting without apologizing, because I'm not sorry. Administration asks us to pull miracles out of our asses without support. Is it better for me to do my own PA's and paperwork in some of the patient care time? Is it better for me to lock down and not do intake anymore? Of course not.

So no, I'm not sorry you felt attacked last night because I spoke my mind. You know that I do. If I'm overwhelmed, I'm going to vent. I'm going to back up my nurses. I'm going to tell them I need them and value what they do and appreciate them. I'm not going to treat them like crap.

And now that I'm venting to someone that isn't the clinic manager... :)

even i can be stupid sometimes, employment tales

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