Dear Yulegoat

Oct 19, 2015 07:59

How is it Yuletide season already???

I'm Eustacia Vye on AO3. First of all, thank you thank you thank you! I don't know if I'll get a chance to read your gift immediately because of Real Life (working full time, three children, and I ran out of vacation time by the end of August), but I will definitely give it a try because I have way too many devices and tend to sneak in quite a bit of time with them. I will even risk (and have done so!) motion sickness reading fic on my phone. Just saying. :)

Some things about what I love in fic in handy bullet form. :)
  • I adore characterization and plot. Characterization wins hands down for me. I'd rather see a fun little scene of characters shining through and feeling like they're canon than OOC-ness for the sake of plot.
  • Snark. I LOVE the snark, especially when it's done well. I cannot love on something enough if there's snark.
  • Angst. Not unrelieved angst, but the kind where characters earn their happy endings. Mindfuckery is a-okay as angst, or hurt/comfort. As long as there's still comfort involved and the ending doesn't make me want to cry tears of hopelessness and grief.
  • To ship or not to ship... Up to you and the muse! It is perfectly fine if you write genfic, Yulegoat. There's a sad lack of genfic in fandom, and not everything has to be about sex. If the muse dictates a ship, my default setting is mostly het. I'm not opposed to slashing characters, it's just not the thing I generally look at first. I have an unhealthy love of OT3 fics, so that is always a wonderful solution to triangles that people don't use enough!

Things I really don't like in fics, in another bulleted list. I have few squicks, but it will take a lot for me to ignore them.
  • Infidelity. Just... NO. Please, please, don't have characters cheating on each other just to put a pairing together. It makes my brain itch.
  • Fridging, especially of female characters. There's enough of that in canon.
  • Rape. Especially if it's in detail or glorified. Dubcon is fine, and glossed over noncon is fine within reason. And if the story does a 50 Shades style of glorifying abuse as romance? Oh, hells no.
  • Incest.
  • Scat.
  • Watersports.
  • MPREG.
  • High school/college AU's.
  • ABO. Just... no.

And now the request part! I kinda went all Neil Gaiman this year. :)

1) Neverwhere. Selected characters are Door, Richard Mayhew, the Marquis de Carabas and Anaesthesia. I am a Neil Gaiman fangirl, and there are so many possibilities with this 'verse. Is there more to London Below that Richard hasn't seen yet? How is he coping with being the new Hunter? How is Door getting along? What really happened to Anaesthesia? So many possibilities!

2) Coraline (2009). Selected characters are Coraline Jones, Wybie Lovat, The Other Wybie, The Other Mother. Good Lord, is the entire concept of this movie (and book) creepy as all hell. Coraline made it back home, which is awesome. But what about the Other characters? Why was the Other Mother so fixated on having these children, really? Where did she come from? Or, maybe Coraline didn't make it out as unscathed as she thinks she did. You tell me, Yulegoat. I would love to see what you come up with. :)

3) Sandman comics. Selected characters are Dream, Destiny, Delirium and Death. I love the comics, and the characters are all wonderful. Death is my favorite, so anything with her in a starring role would be absolutely wonderful. No particular prompt ideas, sorry.

And I think that's it. Good luck and have fun! :)


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