I'm calling it

Oct 13, 2015 07:47

I slept through my morning alarms again. Over the weekend, who cares, I can sleep in until 6 am. (Yes, I am fully aware of how sad it is that that's sleeping in...) But yesterday and today, I slept through my alarm and all three snooze alarms, and my back up (Jason's first alarm) didn't wake me up right away. And my literal thought process at 4:45 am or so was "Fuck it, I'm going back to sleep."

I had wonderful excuses in previous winters for feeling this way. We just moved here, I was pregnant with Zach, I had foot surgery, I was pregnant with Nick, and last winter I had vacation with all three and they were running me ragged. I don't have that excuse right now. I already feel draggy and tired, and four days without aerobic exercise and I feel like a mess. Jumping on the scale shows I've already gained three pounds, though it could be just water weight. I told Jason that I'm going to have to exercise tonight (after posting fic, if my work internet remains down all day) and feel better.

So I'm calling it. I have seasonal depression like half of my patients. At least I can recognize the symptoms quickly, and I know what to do about it.

even i can be stupid sometimes, health

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