Jan 06, 2015 04:52
So tired and achy right now. I would have started this about fifty minutes ago, but Tosh was freaking out just replying to a comment on AO3, and then blue screened on me. It's been happening more and more frequently, which sucks. She's four years old, but I did expect a little more life out of her, as hard as I am on laptops. Boo. Hopefully I can post tonight.
The tired is because I caught Nick's cold, so I have aches and pains and chills, a scratchy throat, congestion and no fever. The poor bb won't let Jason feed or comfort him, so I spent about two hours rocking him and trying to get him to sleep, which was rough. So much for tea and an early bedtime for me. Is it the weekend yet? No? Boo. :(
computer geekery,