Title: Can't Be Ignored
Series: #12 in Ready For The Siege
(#1 -
Look Over Your Shoulder, #2 -
Armed Up To The Teeth, #3 -
Misery Inspires, #4 -
Broken Underneath, #5 -
Change Is Coming Soon, #6 -
Lick Your Wounds, #7 -
Bitter Sparks, #8 -
Father's Will, #9 -
To Feel Safe Again, #10 -
Hit Your Prime, #11 -
Open Your Eyes)
Author: Eustacia Vye
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Comments 6
I've really enjoyed the series.
Odin is a hands off kind of parent, and a stern king that doesn't like opposition. I think if our culture was more like ancient Norse, his response wouldn't be out of place. We're a lot more liberal now. Not that I condone his behavior, but it's in keeping with the background we have for him as well as the MCU. I try following Canon characterization as much as possible for the stories. It's going to be interesting with the next arc... :)
Sometimes I WISH our culture was more strict in penalties. Slaps on the wrist don't do anything to curb dangerous behaviors....
Next arc? AWESOME!
Oh yes, we have another arc. I'm working on #16 right now, and there likely has to be a #17. It's not finalized in my head yet. Not bad for one small idea, huh? :)
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