Jun 18, 2014 13:47
While exclusively pumping can be a pain in the ass (or chest, to be more accurate...), it lets Nick chow down as much as he wants as fast as he wants. Yesterday I generated 35 oz of milk and he drank 23, so I'm ahead of him and already have some frozen.
Wednesdays at the hospital they have the Mom's Club, and I decided to go with Nick even though it was pouring rain. We were all set, and I saw it as a test run for going somewhere in a timely basis. I actually made it there before the peds nurse. lol. I thought I was in the wrong place or the room was moved, so I talked with one of the sisters in the Mission office and ran into Dorothy, who completely understood why we weren't able to call her in the past week. I weighed Nick once he started stirring, and he was 9 lbs 4 oz today, nearly a full pound heavier than last week. Dude, what an eater! :D
I also got a chance to visit some of the staff that I know in the hospital, in HR and Physician Services. Two are actually leaving, and this was their last week working there. I didn't even know that until I decided to stop by while I was there. It was a good thing I didn't put it off until next week. They cooed over the sleepy baby, and were amazed that Nicholas is two weeks old today. ::squishes him::