Feeling almost asocial

Apr 22, 2013 20:18

I don't plan to stay online that long tonight, just long enough to hack through my e-mail after I post this, I think. I've actually *gasp* been offline for the past few days. Well, other than through my phone occasionally, but I'm not sure that really counts. It's such a pain to do things with that tiny screen that I don't actually post much from there. You can tell if it's a phone post if there's a distinct lack of capitalization, weird typoes and paragraphs that just don't parse right. For some reason, I can't do separate paragraphs on my phone or end paragraphs with emoticons. Weird.

In any case, I have been busy doing stuff, just not internetty things. Maddy and I visited one of the private schools I had called, and of course Maddy loved it there. They still wouldn't let her into Kindergarten in the fall. It does seem like 4K is the new kindergarten. Kids are starting to write their own little books and read, do word problems and that kind of thing. Not that I remember what it was like when I was in kindergarten, but I do remember snacks and naptime. Somehow I think I'd remember if I wrote my own book in kindergarten. I mostly wrote extra stories in second and third grade, I remember that much. We have a meeting Thursday to talk with the school district about 4K curriculum. I have a feeling I'll be saying a lot of "She does that already, what else will she be allowed to do?"

Miss Maddy has been a stubborn handful. And even tonight before I got this started, she was being a brat and decided to try to scream through her time out. ::facepalm:: I just hope this isn't a precursor for the teen years, and that it all gets out of her system NOW. I never would have acted this way for my parents.

And speaking of which, ::facepalm:: again. Calling my mother has about 20 minutes of nice talk about the kids or family, and then she starts by gossiping about extended family (the difference being she starts getting snippy and almost nasty about them) and now there's the added 8+ minutes of her lecturing me how adoption or having a third child is a terrible idea. Having more kids is a financial drain and a way to suck out my remaining health, and there's no payoff if my kids move far away. She also sees no point in raising a stranger's child. She thinks it's a better idea to spend my money on getting new clothes instead. Sometimes I wonder how we're even related, we think so differently. Sigh.

As for my baby, Zach has been a snot factory for the past week. Today was his fifteen month checkup, and he's doing great. There's only two words he clearly says ("Mama" and "All done!") in addition to his babbling. I'm not sure if he says "What's that?" consistently enough, now that I think about it. He's still super social, and he definitely gets his needs met by pointing things out, crawling to the high chair or fridge, nodding in response to simple questions or grinning when I show him something he wants. He still has fluid in one ear, so in addition to his shots, he got blood drawn for an allergy panel and I made an appointment for Audiology and ENT to see if his hearing is okay or if he needs tubes. It's kind of looking likely, given how often he's been sick in the past few months and the constant presence of fluid in his ears, but we'll see how it goes. I'm sure it'll work itself out one way or another. I'm not too worried about this either way.

I'm maybe 3/4 of the way through my novel now. I got stuck a little while ago, so I skipped over that part and just started writing bits toward the end. I may have the ending done, not sure if I want to tack on an epilogue of sorts before going back and linking the two pieces together. Accord to Word's raw word count, I'm at either 65 or 68 k. The first book was about 75-78k when I was done with it, IIRC, so this one will likely be close to that as well. Not bad for not having an outline to write from, though that meant I felt like I was just meandering plotwise for a while. Apparently, my brain just needed time to tie all the plot threads together into something a little more coherent. This is probably why I haven't written much new stuff lately. Hopefully the stories I wrote last year that have been with my beta for a while will come in soon. Once I'm able to post those, I'll have a clear slate. Maybe then the muse will feel like writing more again.

And on that more positive note, I'm off to do some beta reading. :)

a novel idea, zachary, even i can be stupid sometimes, madison, addicted to the net, family, ficcing

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