Yuletide Reveals!

Jan 01, 2012 13:47

Oh yay, the reveals were done for Yuletide. I wasn't expecting to be on now, but apparently Maddy will nap if I'm sitting next to her. Go figure. So while she's sleeping, here's my roundup for this year. I wrote six things and almost a seventh for the Madness collection before Real Life pulled me off the computer. Whee! :)

Title: What Could Not Be
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Written for secretagentsmutgirl as part of Yuletide 2011. She asked for a Mirrormask story featuring Helena and Anti-Helena. This also fits the "Missus Clause" challenge within the Yuletide collection.
It's a shade of what could not be
It's a shade, a shade
There's no burden that will agonize you
No worry that will weigh you down
Not the memories that hypnotize you
You won't turn around
You can't love me
"One For The Shareholder" by Maria Taylor

And now all the stuff I didn't match on:

Title: A Cunning Beast
Rating: PG (Some violence toward the end, nothing that wasn't in the movies.)
Pairing: Gen, featuring Fry and Riddick.
Disclaimer: Any of the characters here that you recognize from the movies do not belong to me in any way, shape or form.
Spoilers/Warnings: Takes place after all of the movies, actually. What? I like trying to make things fit canon. Written using beckyh2112's prompt, though she would've been happy with an AU.
Summary: She knew her name wasn't really her name and this faith wasn't her own. She had strange dreams she couldn't discuss and she had no place where she felt like she belonged.

Title: Where Love Is Great
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jason Bourne/Nicky Parsons
Disclaimer: Any of the characters here that you recognize from the Bourne Identity movies do not belong to me in any way, shape or form.
Spoilers/Warnings: Takes place after all of the movies. Written for Roxie Ann's prompt.
Summary: When Nicky ran, it was because she thought Jason Bourne was going to kill her. That was the last thing he had on his mind.

Title: What Love Is
Rating: G
Pairing: Ivy/Topher. Sort of.
Disclaimer: Joss is boss of these characters, not me. I just borrow his toys without asking.
Spoilers/Warnings: Takes place during the series. Written for jessalae's prompt.
Summary: Topher likes talking to dolls - he can work out what needs to be said without a judging audience.

Title: Concentrated Other
Rating: G
Pairing: none. Focuses on Delirium and River Tam.
Disclaimer: Neil Gaiman invented the fabulous Endless. Joss created all that is related to the Firefly 'verse. I'm borrowing toys from their sandboxes and will return them once I'm done, I promise.
Spoilers/Warnings: Pre-series for Firefly, random time frame for Sandman. Written for ladyofjest's prompt, which had mentioned that crossovers would work really well. Once I saw that she also liked Firefly, I was sold. I'm also especially happy with this one, given I was half asleep when I wrote it. :)
Summary: buT iN tiMe You MaY SEe thE plaN I haVe FOR yOu. unTIl THen YoU MUSt be PATienT.

Title: Layer Cake
Rating: G
Pairing: none. Features Cassie Holmes and Nick Gant
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from Push, but they're a lot of fun to write. If I did, Nick and Cassie wouldn't have a ten year age gap.
Spoilers/Warnings: Post-movie. Written for mynuet's prompt, though I didn't age up Cassie and go shippy with it. :)
Summary: Today Cassie turns fifteen years old, and she has never had a birthday party. Nick plans to change that.

fanfic: pitch black, fanfic: bourne series, rating: g, pairing: riddick/carolyn frye, fanfic: mirrormask, character: river, yuletide, pairing: ivy/topher, fanfic: sandman, fanfic: push, fanfic: dollhouse, fanfic: firefly, character: helena, ficcing, rating: nc-17, pairing: jason/nicky

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