i want a thrill to make it real...

Apr 30, 2003 15:41

i'm liking this song at the moment, bear with me. :)

i woke up at 7 this morning, checked some e-mail and managed to post in response to msscribe's loffly fic, the latest chapter for GWTSIL. like i said in the comment... this woman is why i ship D/G. my mom was annoyed by my being online, asking if it was really necessary to type *now* and not later. yes. yes, it was. :)

the reason why we were all in a rush is that i was driving my dad to get his endoscopy done, to see if he has an ulcer on top of hemorrhoids to explain the anemia. so we get there, which is actually across the hall from our primary care doc, and as soon as dad is done (some mild erosions, but not an ulcer), we go over to wait for our primary care doc, since mom and i had checkups scheduled. the guy is always late, and i had forgotten to bring my tox outline with me to study. which means i was stuck with the magazines in the office, reading insipid little fashion articles. i was so bored.

well, finally i got called up to see the doc. it was somewhere close to 12:30pm at that point, and i hadn't eaten anything since the chocolate bar i split with ktv last night at 11:30pm while i was helping him with his french homework. hey, it was a dead brain day yesterday, with not much sinking in. why not? :)

well, finally i get my checkup, i chat for a bit with the doc, i let him know i need the Hep B booster and a note to show my school. then i wait. and wait. and wait.

finally, 12:50 or so, he checks up on me and sends the nurse in. the booster goes just fine, but a little more painful than the first shot i got at skool. then she sticks my left arm for blood draws. and nothing. she angles it, knowing she should've hit the vein. nothing. pull out and try again. nothing. try another spot laterally to the original site, over another vein. nothing. try back towards the center again, and nothing again. four times in the left arm and no blood oozes until after the needle comes out.

so she gives up on my left arm today and goes for my right. instant bloodletting.

so, one large vial and one baby vial later, i'm bandaged up and get my notes to give the skool. then we're out the door. my mom makes an appt to get a colonoscopy of her own done, and then we're off to BK for lunch. my parents snipe at each other, little stupid things, and at one point i tell them in my usual sarcastic tone "is it safe to stay, or should i just go home and have lunch there?" and of course, mom is being too literal and says dad just ordered the junior whoppers, i can't leave.

can we all say wohop? ;P

but i find it amazing that mom can straightfaced say "we've done this since you were little. you can't be surprised by it."

i reply "no, i'm not surprised. but that doesn't mean i like it."

and she honestly doesn't understand why i find it something almost distressing. i always get the impulse to get away from them when they get like that. lunch was pretty much quiet, other than mom making the occasional odd comment, which had started off dad's sniping in the first place.

i think i can see why jay said that sometimes i make silly remarks. it's something he's noted for a while, that out of nowhere i say something he does a double take for, since he'd never expect me to say stupid things. his favorite example, i think, is the christmas tree incident. that was when we were dating a few months, the first christmas as a couple. we were driving down Hempstead, i think, and there were empty slots where christmas trees were supposed to go, and lights already hung up and on, but not any trees. and i asked him what the lights were for, since there weren't any signs either. he gave a look and started being his usual self, starting with "well, you see, some people like to get these things called christmas trees..."

i smacked him and he then said they sold christmas trees there, hadn't i ever seen any? and so i told him that the only place i've ever seen in queens to sell trees was a Y on Hillside, and it didn't look like that. then i stuck out my tongue at him. :)

but you know what? i don't mind if i get double takes when i say something silly. i say being silly can be a good thing. so there! ;)

even i can be stupid sometimes, family wank, family, health, fandom is crazy

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