Dec 14, 2010 08:25
Well, I went to bed early last night and slept in this morning, skipping exercise again. I feel a lot better. I'll prolly resume exercising again tomorrow. Maddy did just fine all day yesterday at home, so she's back at school again today, just in time for gymnastics.
The snow is still packed thick on the roads, so I drive like a grandma out there. Still, it's safer that way because a) my car is light as all hell and b) half of my route home doesn't have any street lights. Skidding a bit at 15 - 20 mph is more than enough to make me go slow. :)
Comcast is supposed to be delivering a new modem tomorrow sometime. I didn't get online last night, tho I'm sure the connection was still spotty. The guy that called on Sunday said that the packet losses were likely because of a mismatch between the modem they initially gave us and what we actually need. We'll see. I'd like to be able to look at my flist without hitting refresh twenty times until a request goes thru, yanno?
Anywho, full day of work today...
addicted to the net