Title: Miles To Go Before I Sleep
Author: Eustacia Vye
Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ariadne/Arthur
Disclaimer: Everyone here belongs to Christopher Nolan and not to me. His toys are fun to play with!
Spoilers/Warnings: Post-movie. For the
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Comments 21
"What kind of an answer is that?"
"The only one you're going to get," Arthur said stiffly.
It was a short moment, but boy, was it good. And the smut was, as usual, very hot.
Thank you!
Funny how similar they are, even if they're two very different kind of Arthurs, aren't they? :)
"Arthur grinned at her in response. He had so many fantasies that he had promised himself he would try to live out if he ever got the chance. By the expression on Ariadne's face, she didn't plan on sleeping tonight, either." This line cracked me up.
I know i am going to sound like an idiot, but how do the meme work exactly, I am not sure if I am thinking to the right conclusion.
People post prompts in the community for stories that they would like to see someone write. If it sounds like something you'd like to write (or do as an artfill), then you write it up (or draw it) in response to the post. I tend to be too wordy for commentfic, so I collect prompts I think are interesting and write them when I have a chance. Then I link the fic to the original poster so they know where it is, as well as the fill post. I don't have too many plots of my own in this fandom, so it's a great place to find ideas for stories to write. :)
Loved the moment of tension post-job, and I love the realization that the mark is recreating someone in his mind too. Underscored Arthur's actions very well.
Glad you liked this!
my two prompts in one fill, and wonderfuly done. I love creepy!Arthur so much :3 THANKS!
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, hon! This is the fic I was working on at the time I mentioned I was going to try and do better justice to your other prompt. Tho smacking Arthur DID fit the hatesex prompt, just saying. ;)
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