Title: To Rule The Zones (Edge of Dawn Sequel)
Author: Eustacia Vye
Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: The Wizard of Oz belongs to Frank Baum and all of the modifications belong to SciFi.
Rating: NC-17 for language and lovingly rendered sex.
Pairing: DG/Cain, Azkadellia/OMCx2
Warnings: This takes place after the SciFi movie and
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Comments 8
"And we tried sticking your hand on the corner," Callan added. "Didn't quite work." - *Snicker* I love how they rule out everything else first. :D
And now the war is well and truly started. :D
Yeah, this was the result of that chapter that was giving me all that trouble before. I think it came out pretty well, once I figured out where to focus. :)
The Mirror Zone arc is coming to a close, actually, so now I just need to start wrapping up the OZ one. ::kicks real life:: I'd like to actually devote some brain power to that one really soon. Hopefully, tho. :)
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