Jun 13, 2008 17:50

I guess I had all these clues that today was shot to hell, yes? Well, there was a stench on the LIE as I was driving to the retreat. It smelled like utter rot. The closest thing to this I've ever had the (mis)forturne to smell is gangrene. :(

I didn't hear anything on the radio and no one knew anything about it when I got there. There were reports the other residents heard, about animals going nuts and people randomly attacking pedestrians in some of the towns out here. We had a good time, but Tracey's dog kept barking at the neighbors' yard while we were there. It looked to me like she was trying to fend off whatever might've been there. Tracey said the neighbors were out, and that her dog didn't like their dog. Either way, a Yorkie doesn't look terribly menacing.

It was when I was coming home that the issues started. Traffic was backed up on every major road, whether north/south or east/west. People were driving extra special stupidly. At one point, there was some ass in front of me that kept erratically braking. It started when he was two or three cars ahead, but after they pulled off into side roads I was directly behind the guy. Finally I could see that there was someone in the passenger seat flailing, hitting the guy, and he himself looked almost like he was having a seizure. The passenger reached out and yanked at the steering wheel, and the car went sailing across three lanes of traffic. I barely braked in time. I got the hell out of there and raced home as best as I could in the traffic, trying to avoid other cars that were full of hard brakers and stupidity.

I was almost home, and thinking that maybe I'd be able to get home okay when I hit one. God, I'm still shaking now. It's a person, really, it must've been before whatever this thing is happening had happened to the poor guy. His skin was ash gray, his eyes were this yellow-white color, and his hair had started to come out in clumps. there were gouge marks on his neck, and blood stains all over his shirt. He wasn't the only one on the main street, shuffling around. People were stopping to stare at them, keeping their distance. Hell, there were people outside the local bars, drinks in hands, pointing and making fun of these people. I was trying to drive around them and did a pretty good job of it in the business district. It was once I hit the local roads that it all got shot to shit. The roads curve, there are hills and trees and crap. You're almost going blind sometimes, and I hit one. The man just... I don't even know how to describe it. Like he shattered, pieces going flying, flesh gray all the way through to the bone.

what the hell is going on???

Indy was in a corner of his crate, as far away from the main door as he could get. Poor puppy. he's fine, thank god.

i wanted to call Jay and warn him, but he forgot his cell phone. He's already left work. I hope he's okay. :(


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