New sono report!

Mar 27, 2008 07:45

figures the peanut would be difficult. Look at its parents, after all. ;)

So, the fancy-schmancy sono/blood test was yesterday. (would've updated yesterday, but I had to get my crack on. hee!) It's the nuchal fold test, where there are precise measurements on the sono in week 13 and blood test results to evaluate my chances for Downs/Trisomy 13/Trisomy 18. Not that someone my age would be likely to have that, but it's less invasive than an amnio at 15 weeks and my 4-week follow up fell on 13 anyway. And since I have state insurance, why not?

The sono relies on the peanut being in the correct position to take the picture of the nuchal fold. Which of course meant that said peanut wasn't cooperating. The tech jiggled my belly with the wand and ultimately had to convert back to a transvaginal ultrasound from the transabdominal. The poor lady seemed more upset by that than I was! Heck, you'd think she'd know where my girly bits are, but she missed. ::facepalm:: Those pics weren't any better, since the peanut decided to move. Still, after a bit of maneuvering, the tech managed to get two pics she could use for measurements, then converted back to transabdominal to get a pic for me and Jay. Which of course meant that the peanut moved AGAIN and didn't want to give us a clear pic.

The tech said it must be a boy, and I said it's just like Daddy, who hates being in pictures. Hee!

So I have my 17-week appt in place, where they'll do the notal chord sono test for neural tube defects and I'll see the other doc in the practice. The tech this time didn't bother giving me a measurement or heart rate for the peanut, tho everything is progressing as it should. I saw she's measuring it in cm's now, and I think it was 6.something. woo!

On call tonight. It better not suck...

pregnancy with madison

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