my dumb dog...

Mar 07, 2008 07:56

*headdesk ( Read more... )

residency tales, indiana, ficcing

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Comments 12

heyurs March 7 2008, 13:27:27 UTC

Silly pup! *swats his cute little butt* :D


eustacia_vye28 March 7 2008, 20:02:33 UTC
at least *somebody's* having fun with him... this morning it wasn't me.


serennig March 7 2008, 14:25:08 UTC
Aren't puppies fun?

He's running from you to get you to chase him. "Come on, I got all this energy, I ripped up a catalogue and now you should chase me!"

Bess digs. Misty was a swiss-cheese digger. They outgrow the urge, you just need to discourage it. Yell, throw something, or hide cayenne pepper or even a mousetrap in the hole. We haven't addressed Bess's digging but it's already half of what it was.

Bess is crazy destructive right now. Eats everything. Gets into everything. They outgrow that too. Our only hope is to just ALWAYS watch. Otherwise, crate. Don't give them the chance to get into trouble.

And always try to burn their energy productively. We suck at that part, but your dog is littler, you may have better luck.


eustacia_vye28 March 7 2008, 20:04:47 UTC
Jay said he's going to try to fill up those holes tonight. Indy just ignores me if I yell. You're right, he does enjoy the chase. Hm.

we definitely have stuff to think about, because it seems to have been escalating over the past two or three days.


serennig March 7 2008, 20:57:35 UTC
He's pretending to ignore. If I remember right, he's exactly at that age. Puppies have an adolescence as well. It's usually between 6-14mos. You can have the most obedient puppy, good as gold, perfect recall, attentive and sweet... and then 6 months hits and you'd think you didn't know how to raise an animal at all ( ... )


eustacia_vye28 March 7 2008, 22:00:34 UTC
This is my first dog, so I definitely didn't expect this. This morning is the worst he's been since we first got him, even with his escalating over the past two or three days.

When Indy went after stuff as a puppy or while teething, I was definitely better able to calm down (okay, maybe not when he tried to eat the oil bill...) if he misbehaved. But he seemed to settle in a bit for a month of two. And just this past weekend we were so proud that he was able to hop into my backseat all on his own. He's five months old, so I guess he's growing up fast.

Maybe Jay and I just got too complacent? I read a lot about puppies when we first got him in December, and it has slowed down since then.

I'm gonna headdesk with the baby, I'm sure. :D


mailechan March 7 2008, 15:09:01 UTC do realize that by giving him treats, you are encouraging that behavior?


eustacia_vye28 March 7 2008, 20:03:10 UTC
you know, i didn't think of it until you pointed this out. :(

oh, did you get the e-mail I sent you with my flight info?


toanstation March 7 2008, 18:28:35 UTC
A clean spray bottle (you can buy them from a garden supply store) filled with plain water is an excellent deterent. Plus, it's usable at range. Start with "No." If the behavior continues, spray him in the face with a squirt or two and say "No" again. It's a pretty effective deterrent, and it quickly gets to the point that you only need to reach for the bottle ( ... )


eustacia_vye28 March 7 2008, 20:00:35 UTC
hm... definitely something to think about. Thanks. :)


alycewilson March 7 2008, 22:33:00 UTC
I would add that it's just as important to praise the doggie for good behavior. I did crate training with our doggie Una (who started out as mine, so I got her through the difficult puppy years). At first, I left her in any time I was out. Then I started leaving her out for short periods of time. Like just to go for a few minutes. When I came back, we'd make a tour of the room, and in every room that was undisturbed, I'd praise her. As time went on, I was able to leave her alone for longer and longer periods. Lately, she started acting up while we were out, getting into the litter box, and I remembered the technique, so I started praising her again for being good when we returned to an orderly house. It seems to have done the trick ( ... )


eustacia_vye28 March 10 2008, 20:04:53 UTC
Well, J and I are certainly stepping up the enforcement of rules and getting a bit stricter about them. I guess we'd been getting a little lax about it since he was doing so well.

We haven't really left Indy alone in the house for long periods of time. More like alone in the living room while I'm in the next room and he could still tear into things. It'll take a while before we work up to that. :)


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