An explanation...

Jun 15, 2007 07:55

okay, just so ppl on my flist don't completely freak out...

Wednesday was Blog Like It's The End Of The World Day, which is why all those posts had "BLITEOTW" as the subject title. I found out about it by Googling the term when i saw cousin_sue using it on a few posts in a row, and then geoffimusprime. And of course, being me, as soon as I read about it, I wanted in. :D I think a lot of the Otapeeps on my flist participated, which was awesome. docthestampede and sundancekat have my other favorite zombie tales of doom. :)

Since I had joined in a little later, i didn't have as many details. plus, I live on the Island. we have malls and highways. not too much else of note. so a lot of the stuff i wrote about isn't true. except of course, where it really was. ;)

the main road my cul de sac is off of is a 10-block road connecting even bigger main roads. along the way, north to south, is family court, juvenile hall, a fire station, county jail and the county hospital. so i really do live down the road from the hospital, and i do hear sirens on occasion. the storm door outside sometimes sticks, so you have to bang on it to make sure it shuts properly, and my landlords were running out to do errands at the same time as the sirens started. and since no self-respecting anime geek is without swords, I had to include that, too. If CPEP hadn't been so godawful busy, I would've posted more about ER horrors. as it was, all i could really mention was crowds (which there were, but not *that* bad) and people flipping out. I did consolidate a couple nasty codes into one, but there was no seizure patient strapped in, not to worry! but when I drove home, there really was a sewer treatment truck parked by the parking garage and they were really painting the lines on the lanes. then again, they've been improving the road into the hospital complex for months. and of course the roads were fairly empty.... i drive home at midnight! ;)

so not to worry. i wasn't cut up by a zombie, and i didn't turn into one. and jay didn't have to decapitate me or anything. (or would he have gone zombie, too?) The man was hardly able to get up when I got to bed. :D

I would have posted this yesterday, except it was still godawful busy in CPEP yesterday. it's always godawful busy there now. too much crazy in the community and some of the hospitals shut down psych units, so we have that much more crazy out there. well, that and it's easier for cops to bring stupid drunks to us than to fill out more paperwork at the station.

If I get a chance, i'm participating next year. so I'm warning everyone in advance!


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