(no subject)

Jan 27, 2005 21:01

woo. turns out the neighbors didn't completely block us from stealing bandwidth after all. :) (checks e-mail without having to reload every page twice, is able to read flist for the first time all week)

i won't subject you all to my ranting without a cut. lesse...

I was dizzy again on tuesday, but a true vertiginous episode that waxed and waned all day. my doc at the skool clinic wants me to see an ENT to check me out, and possibly get an MRI. one of the neurologists on my current rotation agree with that management, and said that it would likely be an MRI/MRA just to rule out any possible things. more defensive medicine than actual medicine since i'm so young and it's not benign positional vertigo. my appointment is on monday, so i stopped by the clinic for a copy of my lab results to show the doc. thank god for good health insurance... i actually asked how much an ENT visit is without insurance. a regular visit is $147, let alone if they need to do any audio testing. sheesh.

also, i have no idea what happened, but tuesday after eating dinner, i was talking to KTV. i had been biting and licking my lips a lot in the past few days since they felt all dry and chapped. (i know, i know, not the smartest thing to do, but i didn't have chapstick at the time, and i didn't want to just duck out to grab some) the next thing i know, i feel pain on my lower lip, right smack center. it's a blister, maybe five millimeters long. i go to bed early because i'm tired and have no reason to be awake anyway. i get up and my lower lip is swollen, with other little millimeter lesions. i poke at the original blister and it breaks. i blot and cover over the area with a lipstick that pretty much blends in. the badness of it is that by wednesday night after dinner, there is a huge ass scab all over my lip, since apparently my lip had cracked once or twice right next to the original blister. great. now i have a scab on my lip, which has gotten even more swollen today. sigh. i doubt the original blister was a cold sore, since i don't get those and it doesn't match any symptoms jay had when he had a cold sore. and it doesn't look like canker sores, which i also don't get but ktv does. so other than my lip cracking apart (which it's done in the past) i dunno what happened. but my lower lip is swollen and it wasn't even by a fun way. :(

am biding my time with my current rotation. i don't feel overly inspired in it. prolly because the residents aren't really. they like what they do overall, but complain of lots of crap. i think that's where the true blah feeling came from. i can deal with a less than ideal rotation. i can deal with having to be there at 7 am along with the residents. i can learn on my own if i have to, that's not a problem. but really, if the residents aren't completely happy, it does kill the joy of a rotation. still, i can't be unhappy with leaving while it's daylight and having all afternoon to do nothing at home. :)

still no clue what i'm doing with radiology. two weeks left, and i still have no assignment from my skool. thanks, guys, but i'm not letting you all screw me out of graduation. kthx.

am still making halfway decent conversations with mom by avoiding the subject of my engagement. am annoyed by how she hints at it, but i refuse to rise to the bait. i refuse.

mmm... computering by the light of a candle. i actually did write a lot yesterday until i got sleepy. chapter 18 is finished. there's nothing quite like death and destruction to speed up a flagging story. whee!

am not sorry that i can't play WOW. i really should finish Alice. i've been stuck on the waterfall forever, and i get the feeling that i'm not really trying. quite possibly because i'm not. :)

and i talked to amandine last night for the first time in forever! okay, it must've been like two or three years or something, and i'm not talking about a five minute "i'm boring, are you still boring" kind of conversation around holidays or something. i mean, a full two hour long conversation catching up and whining about work and how we're somehow still too idealistic for the profession and how much telemetry nurses i've worked with suck. and wedding stuff.

i swear, not having planned my wedding since i was nine is really biting me in the ass. tho it also helps in that if i need to cut corners, my heart isn't going to be ripped out of my chest. i actually stopped by Michaels today to see what kinds of crafty things they have there, since a lot of the message boards cited craft shops as ways to cut down on prices if you're willing to do some stuff yourself. somehow i think a lot of fake flowers will be just as expensive as real ones if they're of good quality. and i don't think they have silk orchids there anyway. tho they did have hyacinths...

i think ktv has well and truly lost the souvenir Alcatraz hat i bought for him in SF. he borrowed my Slytherin hat today since it's too freaking cold to go without one. he liked it, too. hey audrey1nd, do you think you could knit him a hat if you have time? it'll have to be a little longer than the one you sent me, since it kept curling up over the edges of his ears. we're tall, we have big heads. :)

1.) When did you meet Jay? I sort of recall him being the new boyfriend when we first met, but I'm not sure if my memory is accurate...and I don't even remember exactly when we met anyway. *LOL*

2.) What is it about Draco/Ginny, anyway? ^_~ (I ask out of genuine curiosity, I swear. ;P)

3.) What made you decide on psychiatry? I mean, what is it about psychiatry that you find so appealing? (Probably a hard question to answer, since I wouldn't have any clear answers if someone asked me the same question about my chosen profession...;P)

4.) What kind of books do you like to read? I've never asked.

5.) Are you planning to stay in New York after the wedding and finishing your schooling? Just curious. ^_^

My answers:
1) I met Jay on June 16, 2000. [I think you and I knew each other at the time thanks to the M&S list. :)] Basically, my then-best friend and her then-boyfriend were planning on moving to Arizona. Unbenowknst to me, they had wanted to introduce me to him since the previous October. But I went to the goth club and not the horror convention, and he went to the horror convention and not the goth club. Then I was going out with someone I met through the SciFi Anime Club at Queens College. So that had to wait. That guy dumped me in March, and they were leaving in June. So they planned a party for Friday and apparently *everybody* was in on it, since some of the other people there kept throwing the two of us at each other and asking if I was having a good time. And then my ex-best-friend's-then-boyfriend told me with a perfectly straight face: "Mylan, I love you, but get the hell out of my house." And I'm all confuzzled, but he pushes me out the door. And there's Jay on the lawn, looking like a schoolboy and asking me if I'd like to go out sometime. I smile, say sure, and we swap phone numbers, e-mail and AIM names like the geeks we are. We chatted on Saturday over AIM (I still have it somewhere) and our first date was to the Nassau County Fair on Sunday. We've been together ever since. :)

2) I like the dynamics of the pairing. It's not as if I like every story I come across, but the well written D/G fics make me all kinds of happy. It's mostly in the characterizations and the angst inherent in their positions as a Romeo and Juliet kind of pairing. I'm a sucker for a good romance and overcoming-all-obstacles kind of plot. As well as snarky conversation, which the pairing tends to have in spades. :)

3) I am actually very prepared to say why I like psychiatry, given that it's a common interview question. ;) Basically, the short answer is this: it's not simple. When I elaborate, I get into how there's nuance in patient stories, there's a story behind their problems and it's work to get it. Medicine and Pediatrics are too simple for me since the patient has a symptom that fits a set pattern, I may do some tests for clarification, but I prescribe a treatment and then they're out the door. I love followup and continuity and really getting down deep into the hearts of people and helping them in profound ways.

4) I read anything that's not boring. :) Before med skool, the entire library was up for grabs. I read through fiction, mysteries, scifi, romance and nonfiction. I'm not into Westerns much, actually. I read great scientific nonfiction books during college. The last one, I still remember. It was all about string theory. After med skool, tho, I had more than my fill of nonfiction, so I tended toward fiction. But as the classes got harder, I needed more distraction in my life. So pretty much all I've read in the past four years are romance novels (not the harlequin types) or manga. :)

5) I'm a pretty set New Yorker. Even tho I've always wanted to get away and explore the world, i've somehow managed to stay local. I'm technically done with skool in 13 weeks, with the graduation after that in May. then comes residency and fellowship, and I really do want to settle down here. The only thing that surprised me is that my mental home has shifted eastward, away from Manhattan. Who knew? :)

off to play some more with the internet and be an irresponsible med student. and we're leaving for ComCon tomorrow! w00ty w00t! :)

med skool tales, addicted to the net, memage, engagement issues, gaming geekery, health, ficcing

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