cinema-bizarre.deFan Interview Part I[Translation ©
eurydike | Thanks to Cinema Bizarre, the crew of the official site and the fans who handed in their questions]
The first part of our big CINEMA BIZARRE FAN INTERVIEW is now online! Bit by bit, the guys will reply to questions you're interested in and that we collect on the board!
Have a LOT OF FUN!
How did you come up with the idea to kiss on stage?
Strify: Sometimes, passion just takes you over and you feel like you got to share your adrenaline with someone on stage.
Yu: I had the feeling Kiro could do with some affection. :-)
Kiro: Things just happen. What is more, I totally love kissing. ;D
Where does the name Cinema Bizarre actually come from?
Strify: The word "bizarre" was the determining factor. Many people look at us and wonder why we're so odd. Most of them mean it in a negative way. As far as we're concerned, we're the most normal people on this planet. That way, we want to give the word "bizarre" a positive meaning. On the Internet, we came across a film genre from the 70s called "Bizarre Cinema". We switched the words and our baby had the perfect name. Cinema Bizarre is not only meant to be listened to but also to be looked at - like films.
Shin: Cinema stands for our interest in films and visual effects. Bizarre because other people often think we're weird.
Yu: From the cinema, the cinema in our heads, and from the bizarre world we live in each day.
Kiro: We're five very different characters who want to provide people with cinema at its best! Also, "bizarre" should not be seen as a negative word, we think it as something positive.
How did you come up with your stage names and what do they mean?
Strify: Yu gave me my name. I reminded him of a character called "Cloud Strife" from "Final Fantasy" and started to call me "Strify" from then on.
Shin: Friends gave me my name because they thought I resembled Shinya (play in a Japanese band) a little.
Yu: My name had different stages of development. On the one hand, one of my favourite mangaka was called Yukiru Sugisaki, what's more, in many manga and anime there are characters that are called Yuki and that always went best with me. Later, Yukiro resp. Yuki turned into Yu for reasons of style.
Kiro: My name originates from Striy's plush monkey called Siro, we changed it to Kiro'!
Why did Luminor leave the band? Are Luminor and the band still in contact?
Strify: Luminor has always been a loner and needed more free space than he had thought himself. This got him down and he became ill. In order to find his own way again, he decided to leave the band.
Kiro: Luminor felt very bad! We hope that he'll feel better again soon! Yes, we are in contact every now and then!
Shin: He had to leave the band due to health reasons! Now and then we're still in contact with him though.
Yu: Apparently, he didn't really feel at ease with himself, I hope he can cope!
How did Romeo come to join Cinema Bizarre once Luminor had left?
Yu: Somehow, Romeo has always been there right from the start because he's a good friend of mine. He was able to play our songs and had assisted us at concerts several times already. He's the best choice!
Kiro:We had known Romeo for a long time already, he was a good friend of Yu and that's why we got to know him! Whenever there were problems, he lent us a hand, and now we're happy to have him in the band!
Is it true that Luminor is working on new musical projects?
Strify: I don't know, but if yes, I wish him all the best.
Kiro: That's something I'm not informed of! I wish him, by all means, all the best for what's to come!
Are there moments when CINEMA BIZARRE are afraid of their fans? What kind of situations are these?
Strify: I've never been afraid. Not of a person. However, when you sit in a car, sourrounded by people who all want to get close to you, it can be a little scary.
Yu: That happens all of the time. For example when our bus cannot get through the crowd because the fans are everywhere. That's really cool on the one hand, but on the other you wonder what would happen if they all got onto the bus at the same time.
Kiro: Sometimes it's just strange to be adored like that and sometimes you just don't understand because people don't really know you, right! But I wouldn't call that 'being afraid'!
In what situations are you really at the end of your rope?
Strify: When we only have a break of one hour between interviews and I don't get my totally overpriced salad in this hotel that's so incredibly HIP. And when the hour is over, I get the salad - THEN you could say that I'm slightly annoyed.
Shin: When I don't have time to arrange my drum kit.
Yu: When the soundcheck before the concert turns out too short and the settings don't fit and all that... When there are problems before a concert that are actually always there.
Kiro: Depends. When it occurs, I go to my room or spend some time on my own for a little while.
Do you argue when you're on tour together and about what?
Strify: When you're together so often, you sometimes want nothing more than to be alone. But as soon as they're all gone, you already miss them again.
Shin: We never had big fights so far! We're like a family on tour.
Yu: Sure, that the guys could clear their stuff away more often for example.
Kiro: We don't really argue. We're a little family and of course there are conflicts once in a while, these are not even worth being mentioned though!
Who does the syling and the make-up of the boys for the stage? Or do they do it by themselves?
Strify: We did our make-up by ourselves for each concert so far.
Romeo: Particularly when we're on tour we do the make-up by ourselves most of the time.
Shin: But...I always look like that! :-)
Yu: We do our styling and our make-up by ourselves, Kiro mostly helps me do my hair at the back of my head though because I sadly don't have eyes in my neck yet.
Kiro: We get up like that in the morning! ;D No, of course we do everything on our own, except for special occasions like video or photo shoots. There we have make-up artists on site!
What graduation do you have or what job training did you do?
Strify: I dropped out of school and didn't do any training. I used to have small jobs now and then.
Shin: I went to comprehensive school, but I didn't study anything yet.
Romeo: Secondary school, training for office clerk, various further education in the economic sector, then another year of school...and so on.
Yu: I went to a half-decent school and half-decently started to become a massager because I didn't have much of a choice apart from that. I can be kind of smart sometimes too though.
Kiro: I went to a trade-specific school for management and successfully completed my vocational diploma in this field!
What are your real names?
Strify: Jack Strify.
Shin: SHIN.
Yu: My real name is... (Gotcha, won't be revealed!)
Why were "Spaceman" and "The Other People" never released on an album?
Strify: Because "The Other People" just fit so well onto the "Escape To The Stars"-single.
Yu: Because singles need love too.
Kiro: We couldn't put all the songs onto the album and decided to release them as bonus tracks on the singles or use them for Special Editions respecively!
The five of you will most probably receive mail from the Bundeswehr soon. What will you choose: Bundeswehr or civilian service?
Strify: I definitely don't have time for either one. Or would you like to completely do without the band for a whole year?
Romeo: Civilian service - done already: station for Internal Medicine at a hospital.
Shin: Band!
Yu: Both not my cup of tea!
How do Strify, Kiro and Yu manage not to get in each other's way in the bathroom every morning? Do you have an operating plan or something like that?
Strify:Perfect timing. Works intuitively.
Shin: They only get in each other's way when they're pressed for time!
Yu: The early worm will be eaten by the bird.
Kiro: Works perfectly. ;D
Have you ever been really drunk and on what occasion?
Strify: Definitely not only once and not only on New Year's Eve too.
Romeo: I've only been totally boozed twice in my life. Happened several years ago. That's an experience you should never make. Hands off of excessive consumption of alcohol!!!!!
Yu: Much too rarely actually... ;D
Kiro: Don't ask... ;D
Can you imagine to get plastic surgery done one day?
Strify: As long as it's kept within a limit, I don't object to surgery. I've never tought about it till now though.
Romeo: Honestly, no idea...
Shin: Maybe in 50 years.
Yu: Not yet.
Kiro: No, not yet! But you should never say 'never', right!