A Midfall Night's Mare...

Nov 07, 2005 02:48

So I suppose it's been a while since I've "updated." Nothing new really...same shit different day. School is still school, my grades are still in need of being raised (gah), and I'm still in financial ruin and exiling my parents (or atleast my mom) from any and all phone conversations with me. But on the bright side, Eddie has been here for over a week now and aside from the fact that we're both DIRT poor, we are having a glorious time together cuddling it up so much Disney could vomit ^.~ My mom has been having serious issues understanding my "college finance" issues and hasn't been (a) giving me money or (b) letting me have my car here to get a job to make my own damn money. So yeah. It's been somethin.

It's only like 2 more weeks till turkey break and then it'll be the home stretch before classes end and finals smack me in the face....yippee! I already have a ton of work on my plate: 4 more A.Philosophy reaction papers (shitttt), a Tao Te Ching 5-7 pager for A. Philosophy due friday (shitttt), a bio exam tuesday, and psych exam thursday, an ethics 10 pager TERM paper due umm soonish....and then crap I don't even want to think about following that. :( Boo college.

Okay well I'm getting close to passing out (and speaking of which, after this weekend, Eddie has decided I've been banned from alcohol) so I'm gunna blow this popsicle stand and hit the hay. You know you love the idioms<33

Nighty night kiddos ~ xoxo ~ Eurydice

P.S. Eddie and I are arguing more than usual and it's making me saaaaad :'( I hope that goes away ASAP! waaaa!!
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