What a good day, even if I didn't get anything done. Alicia was off this morning for a jazz band competition where her school was one of only two to get the highest ranking. Then we were off to have dinner with friends who are looking at houses in the area in anticipation of moving in a couple years. It would be nice if they moved close to us so we have another couple to include in doing stuff.
Am I the last person to hear that Pretty in Pink is getting re-released this year in celebration of its 30th anniversary?!? Supposedly, there will be
alternate endings and behind the scenes footage. We won't be around Valentine's weekend because we're going to DunDraCon, but our local theater is showing it on the 17th so we'll go on that date. I know it's silly, but I'm so excited about it. I missed getting to see the rerelease of Back to the Future. I don't want to miss this one, too.