Oct 15, 2015 22:49
I'm annoyed. I ordered the new Thug Kitchen book to be delivered today, and as of 10:30pm, it's still not here. It's just a cookbook, and it's not life altering, but what's the point of paying for Prime if I can't get my stuff when I want it? I don't even use the fast shipping half the time. I defer for the credit for ebooks. Arg. Just frustrating.
Did I mention I rejoined Weight Watchers? Not specifically, I guess. I went back last Friday, so tomorrow's my first weigh-in. It'll be a good one. It was a great week for me. I have more to lose before I get off what I put on this year, but if all goes well, I could very well be to that place by Thanksgiving. And then spend the next month working off Thanksgiving, lol.
And writing happened today, woo hoo! Not a lot, but I'm feeling a bit better about it all. I'm feeling...rejuvenated, I think. As long as I avoid issues that get me riled up (I discovered yesterday that our neighborhood falls on the side of very pro-gun and they're all up in arms by the new restrictions on concealed weapons Governor Brown just enacted, so I spent half an hour this afternoon having Craig talk me down from ranting at them, lol) and focus on what I need and want, like spending time with Alex this evening for game night, all is good. The words came pretty easily because of it, I'm sure.