It's doing great, actually. :) A lot of my swelling is down and I can stand with all my weight on it without pain, though I haven't tried bending that toe yet or walking more than a few feet without the boot on. Tonight, I'm going to try sleeping without the boot for the first time. I have no idea how that's going to work, lol.
I actually took the boot off to sleep after about a week, I think. I still kept my foot propped off and no covers over it, but you might be okay with covers since you're further along.
My doctor was so adamant about the boot, that I've been pretty much married to it, lol. It comes off for showers and that's it. I actually got a second one so that I could alternate between the two like it was a shoe. I've actually kept it propped and out of the covers this whole time, but considering how little pain I've currently got, and the scar isn't sensitive at all, I figured it was safe to try it without while I sleep.
Ah, my doctor was the opposite. He told me after the first post-op visit that I could do whatever was comfortable as far as sleeping went. And I found the dang thing so heavy and uncomfortable that I actually ended up getting one of those velcro shoes instead to walk around the house with. My scar is quite sensitive (even a bit still), and so the boot really bothered it.
How's the foot doing? I actually got a pair of boots on today! My soft, suede ones, but hey, progress.
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