Well, I lied. Pepper's sister demanded Pepper tape her shows tonight so that we could watch more Buffy. So here is S2, episodes 1, 2, & 3...
When She Was Bad
Favorite Lines
Willow: I mean, why else would she be acting like a b-i-t-c-h?
Giles: Willow, I think we're a little too old to be spelling things out.
Xander: A bitca?
Snyder: There's something up with that girl I can smell it. It's like a sixth sense.
Giles: No, that would be one of the five.
Favorite Moment
The final fight scene. Buffy "working out all her issues" is a thing of glory.
Revelations as I watch:
1. I totally don't remember the almost kiss between Willow and Xander at the top of the episode. It seems really weird and out of place, for some reason.
2. Xander hugs like a girl.
3. I wonder if Giles tried to see Buffy during the summer. If he didn't, why not? Watchers shouldn't have summer vacations, especially since Giles is so rabid in these early seasons.
4. My favorite Pepper observation: "You know if Spike ever just sat inside her window and watched her sleep, all the B/A shippers should be shouting stalker."
5. You know, I'll bet it pisses Angel off that Spike was the one who killed the Anointed One.
6. Based on Xander's behavior, I'm surprised Willow doesn't hate on Buffy sooner. It's just not cool what Buffy does. And her slutty behavior on the dance floor just bugs the crap out of me, even though I know where it's coming from. But you know, this is an episode where I could totally ship Angel/Willow from. Both of them watching from the sidelines. What would have happened if they'd both left then? Oh, the possibilities are endless...
7. When Cordy's the moral compass, you *know* something is wrong.
8. The vampire Buffy tortures looks *so* much like Dru.
9. Buffy takes out all those vamps and Angel is struggling with just the one? Sucks to be the sidekick.
10. You know, this should have been their first sign Buffy was going to lock them out. When she cries, who did she turn to? A vampire.
Some Assembly Required
Favorite Lines
Willow: "Love makes you do the wacky."
Favorite Moment
Cordy hanging all over Angel and him not even noticing, lol. That whole scene with her cracks me up.
Revelations as I watch:
1. Angel sees Xander as a kid but Buffy not? He's an idiot in this episode. I mean, really. He couldn't tell Cordy from Buffy? Since when?
2. The disparity in the quality of the shots is really annoying in this episode. I noticed in the first one, but it's especially bad in this one.
3. Maybe it's my mood tonight, but Daryl's whole situation just makes me so sad for him. All the way to the end when he tries to save his 'bride'. I'm not feeling very commenty as a result.
4. You know, I think one of the reasons I never liked Angel on Buffy is that he's always such a wimp here. He just doesn't seem like the same character I love from his own show.
School Hard
Favorite Lines
Spike: Who am I kidding? I love to brag!
Xander: OK, now that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy.
Buffy: Do we really need weapons for this?
Spike: I just like them. They make me feel all manly.
Spike: From now on, we're going to have a little less ritual, and a little more fun, around here.
Favorite Moments
Spike prowling around the dance floor watching Buffy. Always hot.
Cordy praying in the closet with Willow glaring at her. "Ask for some aspirin." HAHAHAHA
Revelations as I watch:
1. Spike's arrival? BEST. ENTRANCE. EVER.
2. Except Spike's accent is soooooooooooooooooo bad in this first episode.
3. OK. I don't like Drusilla. She annoys me. But I love the chemistry between Spike and Dru, the near-kiss that turns into the head turn thing. The way he goes straight to human face when she walks in, because he loves her so much. *sigh*
4. Be prepared for lots of Spike talk. And here's something incredibly superficial. He's sooooooooooooo pretty in this episode.
5. You know, and I know some people are going to hate me for this, but I really don't like Joyce very much. I think she's a lousy mom.
6. I don't like how they're dressing Jenny this season. She was very edgy in the first season stuff. Now she's all folky and mother earthy.
7. I love how Spike has to look up to all his minions, lol.
8. Xander dropping the tampon like it has cooties always make me laugh hysterically.
9. Spike's line, "Who do you want me to be?", pretty much sums up his entire character throughout the series, doesn't it? Which makes me sad for him. And want to write fanfic.
10. I absolutely love Willow's reaction to drinking the lemonade.
11. You know, I think Giles is a pretty bad Watcher. He doesn't give her the handbook, he didn't know about Angel, he doesn't know who Spike is...
12. I think Angel has been waiting for a long time to get his hand on Xander's throat.
13. This single night will haunt Buffy forever. Joyce in the wall is straight out of her dreams in S4.
14. The match for Spike's stunt double is just so bad.
15. Spike didn't run because he was afraid of the ax. He ran because he's a mommy's boy. Those issues manifest in such interesting ways...
16. I love, love, LOVE the look on Willow's face while Cordy's praying.
17. Everybody loved Spike because he had the balls to finally get rid of the annoying kid.