Jan 08, 2008 04:27
I'm finally home again. We were in the UK for the holidays, but both my inlaws and Craig got flattened by the flu so they ended up being very quiet and private. Add in Craig's grandmother getting hospitalized on Boxing Day, and...well, it was wonderful getting to see everybody, at least. :)
I'm currently trying to get my life back in order after being gone for 3 weeks. That means a month's worth of mail to process, kids to sort out going back to school after being on independent study for 3 weeks, getting the house in order. Seeing the Torchwood promos and clips last night helped tremendously! My head is going to explode from all the GUH. It's a good thing I got S1 on DVD from my inlaws. Now I just have to watch it before S2 starts.
Other good news is that a short story I'd submitted last fall got accepted by Ellora's Cave. I honestly wasn't sure it would because EC is notorious for being focused on the sex and liking the kink. The story I wrote - while it has a ton of sex in it - is HUGELY romantic m/f without any kink. Just a woman getting the chance to see her dead husband after fifty years and wanting to enjoy him as much as she can before he disappears on her. So squee!
OK, my body clock is still on UK time. In spite of being up for over 24 hours before going to bed last night, I was still wide awake at 3am this morning. It's now 4:30, everybody else is still asleep, and I've done as much catching up on the web as I can do right now. So I'm off to shower and then maybe work on sorting mail before everybody gets up. Have a great day, folks!
james marsters,