i found you. *grins* god i'm so slow i swear. First why i'm here. i was readign your story beg the liquid red and i wanted to say how wonderful it is and god, you're really made me remember why i love spuffy so much.(hopefully it will kick my damn spuffy muse into gear and i can finish some of my fics) Second, chapter 6 is not linked to chapter 7 in the actual story pages. (just wanted to let you know :))
and finally, this is how i look at the world in general. I live in Los Angeles county (i think you do also don't you?) and i figure that if 17 million or so people live there, not all of them are going to like me. Nor am i going to like them. So for the most part I tend to live and let live and any negative comments just kinda roll off my back. (unless it's been a reeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad day at work ;))
I feel for people that are so disenheartened from negative reviews/comments. My boyfriend calls me the champion for the underdog, as i'm always stepping up for these people or bolstering confidence. It's partially why...well actually it's the main reason why, Jan and I started the Forbidden Awards. Cause we wanted to help those that were floundering, newbies, shy, worried, etc etc feel that no matter how small a contribution. Whether it be commenting or writing or art or anything, it all makes a difference and that it's a good thing.
People are people. Some are nasty, some are nice. It's a hard thing to pound into your head as well as your gut that they may have NOTHING against you personally, but are unhappy in some way with themselves or what they can't change so they go after what they feel they can change. (control)
My creedo for life is: no matter who you go to sleep next to at night, you're the only one in your head and you're the only one that you have to be happy with cause that other person? may love you, you may love them. But they don't control your thoughts or your emotions, and if you're not happy with you. You won't be happy with anyone else, and alot less apt to deal with negativity as a whole.
Maybe i should write a self help book? ;) *giggles* yeah ok..i've waxed on enough.
*HUGS* love your fics sweetie. :D oh and i hope you don't mind i friended you. :)
Where is the link broken? It's posted in a few places, and I'd rather go straight there than try and fumble around.
And of course I don't mind if you friend away. The more the merrier. :)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I commented to somebody else above that the one thing that makes me think about all this is you're left questioning just how badly you believe in something. Those that last will be those who either a) aren't in search of external validation and believe 100% and unshakably in the message of what they're trying to, or b) don't care enough about others' opinions to let them affect them. I know I'll never be one of the latter. The goal is to become one of the former. :)
and finally, this is how i look at the world in general. I live in Los Angeles county (i think you do also don't you?) and i figure that if 17 million or so people live there, not all of them are going to like me. Nor am i going to like them. So for the most part I tend to live and let live and any negative comments just kinda roll off my back. (unless it's been a reeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad day at work ;))
I feel for people that are so disenheartened from negative reviews/comments. My boyfriend calls me the champion for the underdog, as i'm always stepping up for these people or bolstering confidence. It's partially why...well actually it's the main reason why, Jan and I started the Forbidden Awards. Cause we wanted to help those that were floundering, newbies, shy, worried, etc etc feel that no matter how small a contribution. Whether it be commenting or writing or art or anything, it all makes a difference and that it's a good thing.
People are people. Some are nasty, some are nice. It's a hard thing to pound into your head as well as your gut that they may have NOTHING against you personally, but are unhappy in some way with themselves or what they can't change so they go after what they feel they can change. (control)
My creedo for life is: no matter who you go to sleep next to at night, you're the only one in your head and you're the only one that you have to be happy with cause that other person? may love you, you may love them. But they don't control your thoughts or your emotions, and if you're not happy with you. You won't be happy with anyone else, and alot less apt to deal with negativity as a whole.
Maybe i should write a self help book? ;) *giggles* yeah ok..i've waxed on enough.
*HUGS* love your fics sweetie. :D oh and i hope you don't mind i friended you. :)
And of course I don't mind if you friend away. The more the merrier. :)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I commented to somebody else above that the one thing that makes me think about all this is you're left questioning just how badly you believe in something. Those that last will be those who either a) aren't in search of external validation and believe 100% and unshakably in the message of what they're trying to, or b) don't care enough about others' opinions to let them affect them. I know I'll never be one of the latter. The goal is to become one of the former. :)
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