Random observations from the chaos that is my life

Jan 09, 2006 07:40

--I'm 2 days behind in commenting on LJ, but I will get caught up on those today. It's on my To Do list.

--Unfortunately, so is 27 other things.

--So, I'll say it here, as well as respond personally later. THANK YOU to everyone for your support on the Preditors reader's poll!! You guys are amazing. :)

--Today is Alicia's first day back at school after winter break.

--Tomorrow morning in the wee hours (like 4am), Craig leaves for North Carolina and then India. I won't see him again until early February. I'm doing my best not to think about it.

--Because of Craig's continued absence from his office, we're pulling Alex from his nursery. I can't take him when Craig is gone due to the distance, and we still have to pay half-price, so I've decided it's not worth it. I'm keeping him out until next fall because he really needs to be around in the summertime when Alicia is off school. That's one of the lessons I've learned from Alicia's winter break. :P

--I've stepped on my inner overachiever successfully for one thing in my life. I think. My original intentions for my winter_of_wes contributions constituted a PWP, a 5-6 chapter angsty thing, and then a genfic. Well, I started the PWP last week and considering I'm already at 12,000 words on it and not done, I've decided to give myself a break and not do the other fics. itmustbetuesday, you'll be getting the unbetad version some time this week for graphic work. I mean, a 14,000-word PWP is sufficient, right?

--Week 1 of returning to a healthy eating style has been a success. I'm down 6 pounds and Craig is down 10. I'd forgotten how much better I feel I better without sugar. It hasn't even been that hard, surprisingly enough. I tried a few new recipes that were fun, including a callaloo, and have plans for more.

--Did anybody else watch Four Kings last week? I didn't see anybody mention it on my flist. I thought it was uneven, but infinitely funnier than the other BtVS alumni offerings. Seth is just wonderful in it, unsurprisingly. Now I just have to figure out what to do when Smallville comes back from being reruns. This is one of those times when a second Tivo comes in handy. ;)

--Finally got the decorations taken down this past weekend, and I've had to listen to Craig complain for 2 days about how bare the house is. Oi.
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