Bits and pieces for a Monay

Aug 02, 2021 22:36

Well, my county has its mask mandate back. Not a surprise. It's also not a surprise how stupid people are being about it. I'm so done with all of them.

I got on the scale for the first time since...our trip to Napa for our anniversary in May. Sigh. I had lost 15 pounds at that point. Seven of them are back. I was all bound and determined to start off today on the right foot and did well until...lunchtime when we realized how many unhealthy leftovers were in the house. Some of my favorite leftovers. Like fried chicken. And then Alicia and her boyfriend wanted ice cream after supper and well, let's say, my day did not turn out the way I had originally planned. Sigh. Oh well, I will try to make tomorrow better. I want to try and be good for the next few days because on Friday, we drive down to Irvine to spend the weekend with the friends we were in Napa with a couple weeks ago. There will be wine. And food. And more wine and food.

I ran short on sleep this weekend and it caught up with me today. I came upstairs after lunch to get some work done and discovered I couldn't keep my eyes open. I ended up taking a two and a half hour nap, during which I dreamt I had covid. It was so realistic that the first thing I did when I woke up was take my temperature.

Craig and I are almost down with season 3 of Westworld. Season 1 is still my favorite. At this point, I have no idea who I'm supposed to be rooting for. Everybody on this show is awful. With the exception of one or maybe two people. I know there's supposed to be a fourth season. I just hope it pulls itself together to be as brilliant as it was the first season.
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