For as much time on my hands as I've had, I've gotten precious little reading done.
Of the books I'd been reading before, I finished Dragon Spawn, Cold Wicked Lies, and Creativity, Inc. in the past few weeks. The first surprised me by ending on a cliffhanger. That author doesn't usually do that. Thankfully, I'm not at the end of the series yet, so I don't have to be left hanging for too long. The second was a solid romantic suspense, and while I'm not likely to remember too much from it in a few months, the leading couple was appropriately hot and the action good enough to provide a decent distraction. The last ended up being too business-oriented for me to get much out of. I appreciated the Pixar stories the most.
I also finished
The Vegetarian by Han Kong. I had it because it won the Booker in 2016 and the summary sounded intriguing. I've since decided that it must've lost something in translation, because I just didn't get it. The story was too odd and disjointed for my tastes, and the whole thing seemed to ramble needlessly.
I checked out
The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker from the library a couple weeks ago, but after trying to slog through the first two chapters, I've come to the decision that Pinker's writing just is not for me. I find his voice too dense and pretentious, and I just didn't get anything out of what I read.
1. Still trying to get through that James Rollins book. I haven't touched it in over a week because it's on my nightstand, and since I haven't been in my room for 9 days, well, you get the picture.
Drift by Rachel Maddow. My knowledge of political history prior to my return to the US in 2004 is not good. I'll be the first to admit that. I would learn what I had to for elections, then promptly forget a lot about it. That's changed in the last fifteen years, mostly because I think it's dangerous in these days to be ignorant of our history and what elected officials are doing. Ignorance is part of why this country is so messed up right now. I'm not that far into this (because I haven't had access to it since my self-isolation), but I'm totally fascinated by what I've read so far. Yes, it's Rachel Maddow, and I know some people don't like her for her bias, but in my opinion, she's one of the smartest people we have in American journalism, in spite of her occasional foray into oopsy-land.
Bitter Pill by Jordan Castillo Price. This is the 11th book in the PsyCop series, and so far, so good. It's got everything I like with this author - an interesting world, fun characters. I especially like that they're now such an established couple that I get more plot than sex in the story. I don't need the sex anymore. I just love to see them together, solving crimes and trying to stay alive long enough to get married.