Sunday 7

May 31, 2020 20:15

For such a crappy week here in the US, it's even more important for me to think about positive things.

1. Yesterday was my 21st wedding anniversary. We had a spoiled day at home, ordering breakfast from our favorite diner, playing our new favorite game all afternoon, then grilling steaks for dinner.

2. Instead of exchanging gifts, we bought ourselves a cherry tree for the back yard.

3. A friend surprised me last Monday by dropping a bag of puzzles on my doorstep.

4. I finally colored my hair yesterday. I still need to trim off my ends, but I'm going to stick with growing it out. But, the color didn't turn out that badly considering I haven't done it by myself for over a decade.

5. This candle for writer's block. It probably wouldn't work, but it makes me laugh so much. Because...true.

6. We picked our first vegetables - zucchini, not a surprise - this week from the garden beds.

7. seasonal-spuffy finished its latest round and there's some wonderful stuff to be had. If you haven't already seen the index, I highly recommend checking it out.

sunday 7

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