Apr 27, 2011 12:38
Right, things what have happened so far this week:
I did end up withdrawing from my Metals class. I loved learning how to do different things,and I enjoyed the actual metal-working. When I got materials I ended up not getting the right things to go together - different thicknesses, the tubes were coated with zinc inside and out, etc. Things just weren't working out, everything was falling apart, and by the time I realized this I would have had only 4 hours of work time tops to make a complete sculpture, and yeah., Just was not happening. At least I learned some stuff while I was there? And maybe when I'm visiting the grandparents I can actually play around with stuff in grandpa's shop and make some nifty stuff. :P
Talked to Mark (painting instructor I've had before) and he's fine with me claiming a corner of the classroom and working on my own stuff during a watercolor class he's teaching. Yay, time to work on personal projects if I want/remember to haul stuff to school!
Saturday night was Arturo's birthday and a bunch of people got together a rented a room at the Voice Box (Japanese style karaoke) and had a blast. Then some of us went out to sushi, wandered around downtown, and went back to Arturo's place for drinks. Lots and lots of drinks. Apparently drunk me is really dumb and though tequila shots were a good idea when suggest by someone else at the party. >.< WORST. HANGOVER. EVER. Never, ever again will I do tequila shots. I do not, under any circumstances want a repeat of the later part of the night/all of the next day. Puking until you can't puke anymore and yet you do is so not fun. Eurgh.
Last night, however, was lots of fun with hangouts and Glee with Hannah, Simon and Arturo. :D Hurrah 90 minute episode! I'm actually enjoying this season quite a bit, and there have been some amazing bits of character interaction/scenes/dialouge in some of the recent episodes. Last week episode was kinda 'meh' but it had some good parts. Now this week? Absolutely loved the finale, especially with the whole Britney/Santana thing going on. Especially <3 the shirts people made, doubly so for the ones Britney did. Lots and lots of <3 for Britney. I really think she's kinda become one of my favorites in this past season.
Well then, I've still got a good chunk of German stuff to work on, so I should go do that. Or ya know, read some fanfic cause I've got 6 hours and end up trying to cram in the homework once I realize I've only got a couple hours left. Yeah, should probably try to finish the homework first. This is a good idea. :D
personal life,
hangovers suck,