Conversations With Those Not In Fandom

Feb 18, 2010 21:09

Oder brother Chris (in reference to my "I'm no one's cabbage before ten in the moring" Spock icon): wtf is fandom?

Me: ::facepalm:: nvm

Chris: I just wikied it

Me: Oh god....


Chris: you are part of the dr who fandom

Me: Yep

Chris: you are part of a lot of weird fandoms
im part of the codmw2 fandom
the snowboarding fandom

Me: Er...

Chris: lol
I know, it's not the same

Me: You do stuff online, like forums, fanfic ( RPfic, lol), discussion...?

Chris: I've been trying to expand my vocabulary
I know, not just participate in the activity

Me: Or get together in RL specifically for marathons of said fandom's media output?

Chris: so I've been looking up every word I come across online that I don't know the meaning of
crazy people...

Me: Well, then you "watch" the fandom, or are "interested" in in, not actually "a part" or "taking part" in said fandom

Chris: ... It does awesome things

Me: Yes, it sure does...

AHAHAHA-ha-heh-heh... oh god. My brother is such a Hetero Jock, it's not even funny. He's they guy that goes around making statements like "that's so gay," or calling people "fags" when he thinks they are being idiots. He would be eaten alive by my "weird fandoms."  I don't even think he knows what he's really saying. ::sigh::

family, personal life

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