Stockholm -> Helsinki

Apr 01, 2010 23:05

I'm looking for information on how to get from Stockholm to Helsinki by ferry. I've heard Viking Line is the best way to go price-wise, but if anyone knows any other good options, I'd be interested in information/links.

The one thing I'm concerned about - it is an overnight ferry, which is fine, but I'm worried about whether or not we should pay for a cabin when we buy the tickets, or if it's worth it go save some money and go without? I have no idea what the boat is like, and what kind of seating is available/how comfortable that would be to sleep in/where our luggage would go.

Also - i've tried looking at the Viking Line website, and while I'm fairly sure I'm understanding things correctly (ticket price + cabin price = total?) I want to make sure so that I'm not surprised when I actually buy the tickets.

I feel silly asking this, but I figured it would be better to ask instead of just winging things on my own later.

Any help is much appreciated!

#transportation, sweden: stockholm, !question(s), finland: helsinki

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