Apr 03, 2005 18:47
wow, it was shitty-esque weather out today, but i had SO MUCH FUN!!! the mud sucked cuz i hit jenxa (cant spell fuckin darkon names) in the eye one time...and then i caught some albion dude's ear, but those were my only fuck ups...I actually killed some people at times! and then ran another backwards right to payne hehe ^.^
Payne had us pull this hilarious maneouver.....today was the Commoner's Tournament, so they were playing on one part of the field and the 2-teams were going on somewhere else, so Payne yelled LEMINGS! and ched ran off the side of the world (i.e. past Malkin) and like half the opposing team followed us...only to be proclaimed dead by Malkin! (cuz they ran off the world)....it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY.
The tournaments were pretty good I hear...I can't decide what's dorkier, that my boyfriend won 3 tournaments and is the Champion of the Realm, or that I'm really really proud of him for it....like I got this big-ass grin and wanted to go cuddle the hell out of him.....Such stupid things that make me happy.
I left Darkon around 3:30 cuz my ass was wet and cold. Literally, my ass. I made the mistake of sitting down towards the end cuz I thought I'd test the cloak John lent me...wasn't thick enough to keep me from getting wet. So I headed back to Worm's house, and ended up hanging out with a ton of Nurglings...lots of fun, which was surprising cuz Joe was there. That was the most civil we've been in such close proximity since we dated. I asked him about Gregory...that was a mistake. Made me kinda sad....lost her job, is just hanging out at Spider's all the time. Jordon and some other kid moved in there too now.......*le sigh*.