Mar 06, 2005 09:05
It is finally spring break for me. So glad I dont have my saturday class anymore, I got a perfect on my presentation so i can bomb the final and still get a strong A in there. Oh what fun spring break will be sitting at home doing nothing all the while my Dad bitching at me over imaginary bullshit. I have to study for my GRE witch I take on the 31st but i doubt i'll get anything done since every 5 min my dad will bust in here and yell at me. Tired of sitting here bored and alone. But I guess thats my life to fat and ugly for anyone to give a fuck about. Oh yeah I have friends but thats it It's always the whole yer just a friend or i'm not looking for a relationship right now and the next day they fucking someone or hanging all oversomeone. And people wonder why i have such a cheery fucking outlook on life. I realy hate people at times mostly because they are all selfish pricks. I realy am starting to not give a shit anymore and to everyone who knows me thats when "nice and Sweet" David goes away for awhile and noone likes that. But it doesnt matter anymore I dont matter. I never mattered to anyone.