Nov 05, 2005 08:37
so last night was the WHS vs. UNI, WHS Homecoming game. but first...
went to Amanda's suprise birthday party. Mike didn't come because it was Steph's last night in LA, so it was me, Italia crew... and more.
Nate, Hilda, Kristen and Danny talked me into going to the game, they asked Mike for permission and Nate kept saying he would pay for me so I went.
It was off to Kristen's house for pre-game preparation. We packed my white quilted leather grandma bag full of left over Halloween candy for provisions. Melissa, Hilda, Alison, Nate, Danny, Festa and Brandon caught up with us and we walked to the game.
I got to be in charge of the AK pledgees during half time because my sorors were riding in the parade [they hate me now (the pledgees not my sorors) but that's why I'm a prophyte right].
Also at half time... some random kids, who's identities are a mystery to me... ran the pitch in spandex and power rangers masks... while the flag team was performing.
Most of the people I went with took off after the stunt... I stayed a little while until I left the pledgees with Manyaleh's sister. Nate picked me up to take me back to my car... but I skipped the jacuzzi session and went to Mike's to hang out with the toasted crew for an hour or two.
I will never forget it, I love my friends so much. I'm sad that its my senior year but I realized that I need to make more time for my friends because I never do that anymore.
"When was the last night you just went out with your friends?" -Nate... I couldn't even tell! But I'll make it better because I love you guys!