Nov 09, 2007 01:02
That's right! The ninja is BACK on livejournal! WHeeeeee!
Instead of being boring and telling you all what has happened in the one year that i have been off lj, i'm instead going to talk about here and now (if you really want all the dirty details, call me or IM me) I just wanted to make this post and say that i think i'm finally starting to find my road in college. I've always been a little unsure of how life was playing out here in college and if i was doing what I was meant to be doing (and all the serious questions such as this). But now it's sorted out (at least for the moment). I have good friends that stick by me through thick and thin, my classes are painful but manageble (I'm not especially fond of multivariable calculus), and i might have just found a good major for me (Geophysics). And last but not least, i have a new romantic interest (she's not single at the moment, but hey, i can dream can't i?) I know most likely this rather optimistic viewpoint will crash and burn within a week or so (or when I get back my math midterm, if it happens sooner), but until then, it almost seems like I'm finally starting to find my own place in the world. Fuck yeah.