family on the way

Jun 04, 2009 16:42

Jason and I are happy to announce that I am pregnant -- with twins! They are due Dec 7, but twins usually come early, so I'm expecting them sometime in November. They are fraternal twins. We won't know their genders for another month or so.

The pregnancy so far has gone well -- at least as well as can be expected. Fortunately, the horrible morning sickness everyone talks about hasn't plagued me. I get an occasional twinge of queasiness, and that's about it. Instead, my symptoms have been extreme exhaustion and hunger. Sometimes I feel like the stereotypical infant whose life is just eat, sleep, and poop! I've also had some mild but definitely annoying abdominal cramping persistently for the last month or two. The doctor attributes it to the expansion and other changes the babies are producing.

I've had a few ultrasounds. The latest ones show decidedly squirmy babies with faces, arms, legs, and heartbeats! So everything is looking good so far.
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