We didn't bother to try to reserve hostel rooms for London far ahead of time because it's the off season. Bad, bad idea. Terrible idea. Especially when trying to reserve 3 beds for 5 days. We had a lot of trouble trying to do online reservations yesterday afternoon so decided we would call late that evening, which would be early morning there. There was very little available and we wasted a lot of time cause we were already tired. It didn't occur to us for quite a while that if there weren't beds free for all 5 nights, we could do 2 one place and 3 another. Ha.
Anyway, we have beds now, but it took us till 4am to finally get them. No sleep, then lots of errands today.
collegegirl is working on my daypack and will be bringing it over sometime very soon. Whee.
Tiiiiired, must clean, must run more damn errands tomorrow and I was hoping to make it a free day tomorrow.
- clean
- do taxes and file FAFSA
- email hostel reservation info to Cassie & Mike
- ad addresses and hostel info to address book
- go to drugstore and get BCP's and Allegra
- photocopy passport and drivers' license
- put together binder for Ireland
- make irish flashcards
- purchase bubble wrap for house gift for KK's aunt and extra flute padding
- return library books
- fill out FAFSA info sheet at school
- buy a lock for hostels who provide lockers but no lock.
I've got a tiny little address book in which I am keeping important info like flight stuff, exchange rates (for the purpose of having a general idea of how much I'm spending), insurance info, and the like.
Erm, and I bought a backpack today. The
old one fit all wrong.. when I cinched the shoulder straps to bring it tight to my back, it pulled the waist strap up to my waist rather than my hips. No good. In fact, within 30 seconds of trying it on fully packed, I had stabbing pains in my upper back. With only 15 lbs of gear in it. It worked fine on my short trip to France, but I had considerably less stuff, and now that I recall, I think I complained about it not being comfortable back then, too.
So I ended up with the
Osprey 40+5 Switch and it cost a pretty penny, but it's imperative that I have a comfortable bag. I didn't need a serious hiking bag, just something like a weekender or day hike bag, and that's what I got.