July 1-3, 2011: Max 2 at the Anaheim Convention Center

Sep 29, 2010 11:19

Next year, Max 2, an event that started this year during AX across the street at the Nokia Live center, is taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center.  Yes, THE ACC where AX used to be from 2006 and before.  As a way of either being an alternative to AX, or an anti-AX event depending on how you look at it, Max is offering FREE admission to the event, w/o having to buy any badges, and it's open to the general public.

For more info, go to the website:


It's said that some events like the Masquerade, AMV's, concerts, etc. will cost $$, but mainly hanging-around the con-center will be free.

As much as I enjoyed AX this year for the 2.5 days I was there, and planned on returning to AX in 2011, this new con has changed things in a whole new perspective. Mainly the fact that there's an anime con taking place back at the ACC, and that I can finally go back to Disneyland, and there are cheaper hotels/motels within the ACC. So I might be going to this instead.

Sooo, what will YOU be doing on that 4th of July weekend in 2011?
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