
Feb 22, 2007 22:13

Originally uploaded by faegurlie. the best thing happened.
just this week i was thinking to myself. damn....i wish i'd not lost a really good friend of mine...when i moved here, he had enlisted to the navy...moving multiple times, him not being in one place. we lost touch. i've missed him..and its always been a regret that we lost each other in the mess of life.
tonight. i got a phone call. a blast from the past. it was him. he found me!
i'm still smiling. its been a lifetime. so much has happened. we've gotten older. it was fun playing 'getting to know you' again. trying to catch up on a lifetime, and we've barely scratched the surface.
we were there for each other when no one else was. we were there when we really needed someone in our lives. we were there when each other was all we really had.
a significant person.
one i hold dear.
no more regret.
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