A Short Day, for a Short Kid

Apr 25, 2005 21:11

So... erson, break came to a conclusion with some freerolling. Big suprise I knowerson. This morning I got up very early to put a parterson in my hair, as I do every day. I even measured it with a rulerson because I wanted it to be just right. After some precise measuring, I put half a bottle of gelerson in my hair so that it would stay rock hard (like my pete) all day long. All that hard work is just your average morning of JOKES JOKES JOKES for the Tool Kid.

Then I had school. Math was a hilight of the day exchanging jokersons at the expense of Mr. Freiburger. Then I had class councilerson, I didn't want to go, but ended up going anway because I'm the treasure and I LOVE MONEY and JOKES! Lunch was greaterson, I filled my plate with massive portions of saladerson, because if I'm gonna pay for my lunch I'm gonna squeeze every last centerson that I can out of it. After that I had healtherson, we talked about sex/condoms/dental dams, pretty much stuff that gives me a bonerson. I also looked at really grotesque articles about incest and such, mad times, JOKES JOKES JOKES. Then at the end of school I saw Courtney Connely or C Squared as I like to sayerson. Even though I've been too afraid to tell her, Courtney, I really think you are amazing person.

So I ran home as fast as I could and registered half of the sperry population for a freeroll. I myself played six of the accounts, placing 2399, 1578, 1299, 2400, 850, and get this 32nd! I AGAIN made the moneyerson, thats the Tool Kid. So other than that I spent about 40 minutes updating a new backgrounderson, mouse design, music for my LJ. Then I updated because updatingerson, is what I'm all about. That and JOKES JOKES JOKES.

The Tool Kid, blasting into a new paleozoic era
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