Dreams - And Not Of McDonald's.

Feb 01, 2006 13:35

I'm having the strangest dreams again lately and wish I could remember them all to the last detail. I've been trying to, just out of interest, using the recommended methods but it's not working too well. So half the time, I end up with the usual bits and pieces and not a whole lot else to put it all together. Last night's theme seemed to be ex-lovers which I find quite interesting, LoL.

In other news, I have no idea where this last entry's picture originally came from. It was sent to me by a friend in Brisbane, Australia with the comment "The American Way". I see it as social commentary as McDoof is from the USA and another one of those "cultural" exports the WORLD definitely could have done without in my eyes. But oh well, it's also a choice to eat there. On my part, putting the picture here is not to make fun of these kids - I feel very sorry for them, wherever they might be.

For looking like they do, for having been raised that way, for having been subjected to this kind of "food" so early on in life and having the fat to prove it. Fast food is addictive and these kids must be like junkies by now. I used to eat there too on occasion - like most people - but have since stopped. I'm just too disgusted by what I hear goes into the food, disgusted by chain restaurants and stores in general. Apart from that, I have to watch my weight too so I'm not "above" the issue at all.

As some of you suggested, it's the parents who are to blame here and I just cannot believe that if the situation is what it is, these people STILL take their kids to McDonald's. It makes one wonder what the parents might look like... or if they even care or love their children. :\

usa, diet, food, culture, dreams, self, world, weight

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