Questions again

Apr 12, 2006 12:32

From bubosquared:

1. What's the stupidest thing you've done or seen someone else do at a LARP event?
I think it has to be the quote of "Oy, Dark Reaver! You're pointlaaaaaaaaaaarrggh!!!" To explain it, Dark Reaver was a plot point. Really. A seemingly invulnerable floating sword that did really nasty damage calls. It turned up at one of our events. One character decided to spend most of one day bating and trying to annoy the sword, including such lines as "Your mother was a paperclip!" and trying to cast a very low level fear spell on it "Cos I think you're that much of a wuss!" The final one was meant to be calling it pointless, however at theat point the ref snapped and chased him straight out of camp into the woods. All that we ever found of the character was a mangled, barely recognisable corpse. About the stupidest thing I can think of that I've done was charging into a group of four Dark Hunters (big bad plot nasties) single handedly to try to drag out one of the characters best friends who that had taken down. It failed. I now have a new character. In my defence though, I had been hoping that someone would follow me.

2. What's your earliest memory?
Of being around four at playgroup. The group buly who always hogged the climbing frame was ill so we all got to play on it for once. We set up a circus show with the acrobats swinging up it and the tightrope walker walking round the top and things like that.

3. Why polar bears? (In your icon, I mean, obviously.)
I have no idea. The main picturre just sort of happened, largely cos I was looking for something to show lazyness and that fitted I think. Then at some point I started talking about my penguins (emoticons) stalking my polar bears. Then it just seemed to make sense to use all penguins and polar bears when I came to update the icons a month or so ago...

4. What does your username mean?
It's from Glorantha (the setting for the Rune Quest, Hero Wars and Hero Quest rpg's). Eurmal is the trickster god from one of the 'barbarian' cultures there. The first Role Playing Campaign I ever played in was run by grahamrobinson and was Hero Quest. I ended up playing a worshiper of Eurmal. I really enjoyed it and have somewhat identified with the character ever since.

5. Who's your favourite god(ess)? Of any pantheon, really.
Ever since I was a young kid I've felt something of a connection to Poseidon. I think it's a mixture of being part Greek, meaning I've always had more interest in their gods, having always enjoyed swimming and the idea of a got who is powerfull enough that with a little work he could probably overthrow the whole system, but is happy with his little empire and doesn't want to be involved in all the politics and infighting.

and from dantesvendetta

1) What is your ideal job?
Supreme dictator for life of the Universe? Not allowed that one? I've always wanted to be a pilot. Just generally like flying. I'm not exactly working towards it though...

2) What would your superhero/evil villain name be?
The amazing Apathy Boy? Although that seems like more of a sidekick. Dr. Slight-Annoyance-At-Some-Point-Once-I-Get-Around-To-It?

3) Ninjas or pirates?
Pirates! Always pirates. Ninjas are just nowhere near as cool. Now Samurai or Pirates would be much more of a problem for me but I never really got into the whole ninja thing.

4) What's your favourite pudding?
Mmmmm.... Chocolate cake with loads of cream. Either that or sticky toffee pudding with lots of cream. The cream is important though...

5) What was your first pet?
Had loads of animals when I was born (what comes of living in the middle of nowhere). A dog, a cat, a goat, a sparrow and some sheep, but the first pet that was really mine rather than my parents was the cat that tey still have. She's called smiffy and she was a wild kitten who just wandered into the house when I was one and refused to leave. I adopted her and shes now around 21 and still going strong...

and from war_lemmings

1)what is your favourite character you have played?
Evelyn. Until fairly recently it was Bolic, but I loved Evelyn.

2)have you started looking for another flat yet?
No. I should probably get around to that...

3)What is it that Mr Flibble tells Rimmer to do that gets the responce
"No, Mr Flibble, We cant possible do that" - Red Dwarf? (there is no incorrect answer)
Say "No, Mr Flibble, We cant possibly do that".

4)Any plans on how i can avoid easter sunday?
Come to GEAS. It's where I intend to be.

5)Death or Cake?
Cake. As long as it's not coffee flavoured. If it is I follow good Mr. Blair's lead and take the third way.

From masofsuxor

1. Why bother with the apathy?
I don't. It all just comes naturally.

2. What is with all the Munchkin?
I won a unique set at Scotscon a few years ago. I decided then thatI should probably start collecting. I have Munchkin and Nick has all the Chez Geek games.

3. Is the son really a long lost twin?
Of course. How could you be anything but my ginger twin...

4. If you were to be Bruce Campbell, what kind of Bruce Campbell would you be?
The Bruce. There is only The Bruce! No other way is worth being.

5. Why should I bother with a fifth question?
I can think of no good reason, but you have bothered anyway.

As per the rules, anyone who wants questions, post a comment and I'll try to think of some for you. I don't promise they'll be particularly imaginative though...
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