Jul 18, 2005 16:45
In 1945 an Austrian died from suicide, clentching a picture of his mother in his left hand. At 18 he entered his countries military and fought a war as a hero, earnign the United States equivelancy of the Medal of Honor. After suffering severe shrapnel wounds and temporary blindness from a chlorine gas attack, and after many weeks in the hospital, he returned to the military and continued to serve, until his time was complete. This war veteran was born into poverty and climbed his way form nothing, to soldier, to revolutionary, and eventually to ruler of almost the known world. In heaven, he was told he must wait 41 years...
January 4th, 1960, a Frenchmen died from old age. At 25 he wrote one of the worlds most renound novels, and was widely concidered one of the most unique minded existenitalists and revolutionarys of all time. In college he struggled to maintain residency due to lack of funds, and so worked as an auto accessories salesman, a meterologist, and as an employee in a ship-brokers concern. In gradschool he contracted Tuberculosis, and nearly died. Befor his death years later, he was marked as one of the greatest moral philosophers of the modern French period. In heaven, he was told he must wait 26 years...
April 18th, 1955, a German died alone at 76 in his bed in New Jersey. Having spent most of his life away from the closed minds of society, this scientist single handedly changed the way the world saw... the world. He studied calculus at the age of 12, and tested for a deploma in electrical engineering, which he failed, at the age of 15. By 21 he was a teacher of physics, and by 26 obtained his Doctorate. By 27 he had compelted one of the greatest scientifically theoretical ideas of all time. He recived a nobel prize by age 42, and traveled all over the world by 45. By 60 he had helepd the United States build the first atomic bomb, and at 73 was offered the presideny of Isriel, but refused. In heaven, he was told he must wait 31 years...
June 13th, 323 b.c, a 33 year old Macedonian fell to his knees for the first time in his life... killed not by a man, but by malaria. He carried a copy of Homers "The Illiad" with him for most of his life, as he belived himself to be a desentant of Achilles. As a boy he was the student of Aristotle, and learned to love literature and philosophy. By 20 he was king. Having spent his entire life devoted to concuring the known world, he killed hundreds of thousands of people in his name, and enslaved countless numbers more. At one point, the egyptians belived him to be the sun god, and praised him accordingly. In heaven, he was told he must wait 2,019 years...
April 13th, 0000, a weiry and tired man hung motionlessly from a tree, a tear rested softly on his right cheek. A poor man... poor all of his life. At mid life, he was asked by a great teacher to become a student. With little more to give his life to, he accepted, but with half heart. After a short time, he was offered to turn agianst his teacher for a few peices of silver. His teacher knew he would commit this act of tretchery, and yet did nothing. Because of his greed and dishonor, the world would forever be shaken and in grief. In heaven, he was told he must wait 1,986 years...
May 30th. 1431, a 19 year old Champagnian embraced a cross, ingulfed in fire, as the flames wiped her war torn body, she cryed out the name of Jesus Christ.... until her very last breath. At 13 years of age, she began to hear voices in her mind. By 14 she would see a light accompany these voices, as well as sillouetts of the figures speaking. At 16, she was told to help the king of France, and by 17 her guidence helped to free France from Englsih control, a task thought impossable. At 18 she was taken prisoner and sold to England, where she spent a year in prison. Befor trial and percecution as a witch, she was tourtered and threatened into submission, and was forced to sign a confession that her guidence by god was a lie. In heaven, she was told she must wait 555 years...