Миллионным словом в английском языке стал крепыш Web 2.0 - The next generation of web products and services, coming soon to a browser near you.
Меньше повезло миллион первому малышу: Financial Tsunami - The global financial restructuring that seemingly swept out of nowhere, wiping out trillions of dollars of assets, in a matter of months
1,000,000: Web 2.0 - The next generation of web products and services, coming soon to a browser near you.
999,999: Jai Ho! - The Hindi phrase signifying the joy of victory, used as an exclamation, sometimes rendered as “It is accomplished”. Achieved English-language popularity through the multiple Academy Award Winning film, “Slumdog Millionaire”.
999,998: N00b - From the Gamer Community, a neophyte in playing a particular game; used as a disparaging term.
999,997: Slumdog - a formerly disparaging, now often endearing, comment upon those residing in the slums of India.
999,996: Cloud Computing - The ‘cloud’ has been technical jargon for the Internet for many years. It is now passing into more general usage.
999,995: Carbon Neutral - One of the many phrases relating to the effort to stem Climate Change.
999,994: Slow Food - Food other than the fast-food variety hopefully produced locally (locavores).
999,993: Octomom - The media phenomenon relating to the travails of the mother of the octuplets.
999,992: Greenwashing - Re-branding an old, often inferior, product as environmentally friendly.
999,991: Sexting - Sending email (or text messages) with sexual content.
999,990: Shovel Ready - Projects are ready to begin immediately upon the release of federal stimulus funds.
999,989: Defriend - Social networking terminology for cutting the connection with a formal friend.
999,988: Chengguan - Urban management officers, a cross between mayors, sheriff, and city managers.
999,987: Recessionista - Fashion conscious who use the global economic restructuring to their financial benefit.
999,986: Zombie Banks - Banks that would be dead if not for government intervention and cash infusion.
Всем новорожденным - долгих лет широкого употребления!